Paying Out

The balance of your pension account is normally paid out as soon as you retire – though not before the month following the one in which you turn 60 years of age, or 62 if you commenced employment after 31 December 2011. If you are of working age and a disability leaves you unable to work or if you die, this will be grounds for early benefits – in these cases, your pension balance will also be paid out.

However, your pension is not paid out automatically. You need to make an informal request for a payout – and that is done most easily by email. To request your payout, email

Pensions are normally paid out on 31 January of the following year. This usually works out better for your tax. It is not a problem if you would like to be paid out earlier. Simply contact Vodafone in good time.

How much will I get?

Your company pension is made up of all the contributions you and Vodafone have paid in plus performance-based earnings from the investment funds. You can see your current balance, including investment returns, on the portal at any time.

If you have pension entitlements from older pension plans that have since been transferred over to the Vodafone Pension Plan, the corresponding value will be added.

Payout options

Depending on your pension balance, your benefits can be paid out as a lump sum, in instalments or as a lifelong pension. You decide which based on your own financial planning.

Risk coverage from Vodafone

Excellent protection if you need benefits early

Not only do the Vodafone Pension Plan and the Risk Plan give you safety for your later years, they also cover you if you are unable to work due to disability or if you die. In the former case, Vodafone will pay a monthly disability pension of up to 25 % of your salary to you – and you won’t have to end your employment contract with Vodafone. If you die, your surviving dependants will receive your contributions, including performance-based earnings from the investment funds, any entitlements from old pension plans and an additional death benefit that amounts to approximately two years' base salary (approximately four for SLT).

More information about risk coverage

About to retire?

What to do next

Your pension balance will not be paid out to you automatically – you have to request it informally. You can make this request up to three months before you retire. The easiest way to do it is to send an email to

You will then receive a few forms which you will need to complete. You can also choose your payment option – lump sum, instalments or regular pension.

Request payout

Making a decision about payouts

Whether you are in your prime working age or about to retire, find out about the most important aspects of your pension balance payout.


Here is what you should do:

  • As soon as possible: if you do not have a spouse or registered partner nor any children eligible for government benefits for families (Kindergeld), you can nominate your cohabiting partner as a recipient – simply download the relevant form from the portal and fill it in. Do not forget: you will need to notify us of any changes to your marital or family status.
  • Three months before retiring: request your payout – you can do it by email without having to complete a form.

Your payout method:

  • Lump sum, instalment or regular pension? Start thinking in good time about what suits your finances best and what is most important to you. Having capital available? Receiving secure, lifelong payments? Obtaining tax benefits? Choosing yourself who inherits your money? Protecting your partner?
  • If you opt for a regular pension, decide whether it is with or without benefits for your surviving dependants. Please note: your own pension payment will be reduced if you want to cover your surviving dependants.
  • Time of payout: do you need your payout before 31 January of the following year?

Important dates

You can request your payout up to three months before you retire. You will usually receive the balance of your pension account on 31 January of the year following your retirement or the event that qualifies you for early benefits.

Your payout and its implications for tax and social security

The various payout options and times we offer all have a different impact on your tax. Ideally, you should seek advice from your tax adviser or accountant before deciding. More information is available here: